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Colour in Education

The Impact Of Colour On Learning

Colour has been proven to provide a positive impact on children and students in education. It can be used to enhance the learning environment and impact mood, behaviours, and overall wellbeing of the users. The colours used in walling and flooring are key aspects to consider, and it is good to be able to discuss with clients how students could be impacted by the choices made. Read the full Walling and Flooring Colour Guide for Education.

This table highlights some of the key research findings:

BlueIncreases concentration and focusAll
 Calms and soothes the mind and reduces anxietyAll
GreenImproves reading speed and comprehensionAll
 Reduces eye strain and fatigueAll
YellowEnhances creativity and improves memoryAll
 Stimulates the brain and increases alertnessAll
RedIncreases attention to detail and memory recallAll
 Increases heart rate and raises blood pressureOlder Children
OrangeEnhances creativity and improves enthusiasmYounger Children
 Helps with socialisation and promotes interactionYounger Children
PurplePromotes problem-solving skills and creativityAll
 Enchances critical thinking and inspires imaginationAll


Coloured Hygienic Walling

Duraclad - Colour in Education

DURACLAD is a durable internal wall cladding used to prvent bacteria and mould growth. It is also suitable as an impact protection system against wheeled and pedestrian traffic, making it perfect for a school or hospital environment. It also has the advantage of being able to bring a much-needed hint of colour into an educational environment.

Muted wall colours boost concentration and encourage engagement. They can also make students feel safe and familiar. Thus, creating a nurturing environment.

Vibrant wall colours are attractive and inspiring to younger age groups.

For a complete overview of our DURACLAD walling colour options and to see which colours are likely to be most appropriate for different study areas read our guide.

How Flooring Can Inspire

Education Flooring

Often disregarded when considering psychological impacts, flooring design has been proven to have positive implications on the user’s learning experience. This applies to all age groups and educational facilities.

For example the pattern and shapes of the flooring used can have tremendous effects on the environment as well.

SQUARES AND RECTANGLES - A standard layout for most commercial flooring. These are reflective of many things around us. Which creates an air of stability and a safe environment.

TRIANGLES - expand upon this traditional concept by adding an abstract twist. This exudes a desire to excel and do things differently.

HEXAGONALS - encourage thoughts of harmony and create feelings of togetherness in a team environment.



It is also important to pay attention to the type of flooring used. This table provides some guidance but read our full Guide to Colour in Education for more details.

Carpet TilesSolid, muted tones, patterns and zoningSolid, muted tones can create a calming atmosphere and help to reduce noise levels, promoting a more relaxed and focused learning environment.

Zoning with different colours or patterns can be used to create designated spaces for different activities, such as reading or group work, helping to improve organisation and structure in the classroom.

Carpet tiles can also provide a soft and comfortable surface, making them ideal for younger children who may spend more time on the floor.

Vinyl Sheet

Safety Flooring

Muted, non-distracting patternsThe non-distracting patterns of vinyl safety flooring provide a neutral background, which can help to reduce sensory overload and promote concentration and focus.

Additionally, the safety features of this type of flooring, such as slip-resistance and easy-to-clean surfaces, can help to reduce accidents and promote a safer learning environment.

LVTPrimarily natural colours and wood-look patternsThe natural colours and wood-look patterns of LVT can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, which can help to promote a sense of comfort and familiarity. This can lead to a more relaxed and focused learning environment.

Additionally, the durability and easy maintenance of LVT can help to reduce distractions and promote a cleaner and more hygienic learning environment.


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