New website and so much more
Welcome to the new SASGO website, we hope that you will become a regular visitor, as we make this site not only the "go to" site for the flooring trade to order supplies, but a source of expert advice and information.
As an organisation, we place a strong emphasis on service, in fact we pride ourselves on the way that customers talk about our staff and our commitment to get the job done. We are challenging the norms of our industry when it comes to service, and are placing a strong emphasis on eliminating downtime. This is not only through the services we provide (such as our delivery plus service and professional tool hire service) and the products we offer (quick drying options, time saving installation products etc.) but also in the advice that we give. This website as it grows, will be packed with advice from all the major brands on ways to reduce time and ultimately costs on site.
We will be asking customers to request log-in details, so they can see their prices and use this site as another way to get product, especially for requests made outside of office hours, which can be jumped on as soon as we are the office. We start early in the morning, so you know we will be on it first thing. Probably one of the biggest advantageous to the site though is as a quick reference to the types of products we offer. We know how much easier that can make conversations with our staff. It is worth remembering though, that we can order products for you at a competitive price direct from manufacturers and often on next-day delivery, so always ask about things you don't see.
If you have a moment explore the non-product pages such as Our Services, there could easily be things you weren't aware that we did. Also check out our Advice page, not only for downloads of Data Sheets and a Frequently Asked Questions page but also How To Videos - and remember this is just the start!
Always wondered who it is you regularly talk to - may be take a look our Meet The Team page. We will also be featuring regular promotions on the site and signing up to our Mailing List will give you advance warning (simply enter your email in the box, found at the bottom of each page), as well as all those insights to eliminating downtime from top flooring experts. Why not sign-up now and we will be in touch shortly. Lastly, don't forget to come back regularly, you'll see more and more ideas added as we move through 2021.